This Mushroom Orzo Risotto Recipe is made in one pot and ready in 30 minutes or less! Creamy, cheesy and full of flavor, it makes the perfect meal or side...
Learn all about how to make cream of broccoli soup for quick and easy meals! This simple recipe shows you how to make an easy, healthy, old-fashioned cream...
Salmon Pasta bathed in a creamy lemon pesto sauce is irresistibly delicious and on your table in 30 minutes! It is decadence in a bowl perfect for date...
This Belgian Beef and Beer Stew is a beloved classic for a reason. The fantastic and distinctive flavour of the dish is built around lots of browning and...
This keto lasagna is comforting and delicious, and tastes like the real thing! Layers of low carb lasagna noodles, meat sauce, ricotta cheese, and plenty...
This quick and flavorful stir fry is perfect for a weeknight meal! Thinly sliced beef, broccoli florets, and snow peas are cooked in delicious Asian flavors...
This is the best Cajun Chicken Pasta recipe! It's creamy, cheesy, loaded with flavor, and on the table in 30 minutes! An easy weeknight dinner your whole...
Slow Cooker Stuffed Shells with Sausage and Spinach is an easy crockpot meal. Jumbo shells filled with a cheesy spinach mixture and then topped with a...
Cajun chicken is a great recipe to prep ahead for busy evenings, leaving you set up for a super tasty and quick dinner. Serve with a simple green salad....
This Ham and Pineapple Rice is a fun and easy one pot meal for busy weeknights! Perfect for those Hawaiian lovers :) Make it with long grain, brown or...
The whole family will love cheesy chicken bacon ranch casserole recipe! This quick and easy low carb chicken casserole has just 7 common ingredients, 5...
Tired of your boring old meat, potatoes, and vegetables? This casserole is a fun mixture of the three, all in one dish! Make this easy tater tot casserole...
Slow Cooker Pineapple Ham is a must have dish on your holiday table. The crockpot makes the cooking process very easy while producing a super juicy and...
Mafe (or Maafe) is an authentic African peanut stew made in a spicy, creamy peanut and tomato sauce. This is one mouthwatering and appetizing dish you...
This Honey Mustard Pork Tenderloin is baked to perfection with green beans, potatoes, and ready in only 35 minutes. This recipe is a must for your busy...
Slow Cooker Beef Stew & Dumplings - the perfect comfort food! A delicious beef stew loaded with vegetables cooked in your Crock Pot & topped with herb...
Cuban beef picadillo is a traditional dish made with ground beef, potatoes, onions, garlic, cumin, bell peppers, white wine, tomato sauce, raisins, olives...
This Mojo Pork is marinated with the best citrus and garlic Mojo Criollo and slow cooked until fork-tender. The perfect crock pot dump-and-go Cuban pork...
Make this beef bourguignon recipe perfect by getting good-quality, well-marbled meat from the butcher's shop. The supermarket meat is often too lean and...
This chicken marinade, flavored with rice vinegar and soy sauce, is perfect for marinating chicken to top an Asian noodle salad or to wrap into summer...
Spicy Korean Chicken Thighs in Gochujang Sauce - an intensely flavoured chicken recipe made in a cast iron pan for extra crispy, juicy thighs and a finger...
Crockpot Cheesy Potatoes are the perfect easy side dish to your next family dinner. Just dump, cook, and enjoy some cheesy tender potatoes for your next...